Welcome to Communication Network Solutions!

Communication Network Solutions works in partnership with Internet providers, local and long distance phone carriers to find the best system for your business. Each of our customers has their own set of needs and requirements to make their business flow smoothly. That’s why at CNS we aspire to find the best price, products and service for our customers. We are able to not only save customers money, but also in our search for the lowest prices we scour your bills to find errors, over charges or inaccuracies.
Why CNS?
Your carrier pays for CNS services, so our experienced technicians don’t cost you any money. In our many years of experience we’ve proven we improve expenditures bottom line while utilizing high quality networks. Along with finding your business the best service options you can take comfort knowing we’re also here to help solve any problems you have. Call us with questions or concerns with your services or your bills. We act as the liaison between you and your carrier to ensure you receive fast and efficient service.
CNS services are paid for by the carrier, meaning, at no cost to you, we find the best price, product and service.
How it works:
When a customer contacts us, we get right to work. We begin by figuring out your needs—what system will work best for you and deciding what services are needed to make your network and organization more effective. Then we look through your current plan. We take your old telecommunication bills and scour them for any inaccuracies. Depending on the situation we can get you money back if you’ve been overcharged. Next, we talk to the carriers in your area and find out which one can give you the lowest prices with the best network.
After everything is set up and working efficiently, we don’t leave you stranded. If you have questions or problems you can always contact us here CNS and we will be sure the carrier handles any situation quickly.